Technology- The Final Frontier

Who knew we wanted to have music, games, photos, camera, banking, work all on one device? If we are left to come up with innovative ideas and say what we want, we would still be in caves, using clubs and running round in animal skins. Technology and change comes from those finding a solution to a problem we didn’t know we had!
Technology is wonderful
There are some people who will bury their heads in the sand and let technology pass them by; there are some who will embrace fully and stay up to the minute. Of course, the majority go along in steps of changing and embracing, enjoying for a while and then changing again when needed or something shifts. In business technology is wonderful. The ability to create a first-class presentation from your laptop is amazing. The ability to communicate face to face with someone on the other side of the world is mind blowing. For me technology allows me to do way more than was physically possible a decade ago and inconceivable two decades ago. It allows me to serve my clients much better.
What does this all look like for our clients?
We are utilising Blueink on line signing platform to send documents to our clients and counterparties to speed up processes and make it easier and more convenient to sign and return.
Who goes there?
We are using Forsite to geofence properties to more efficiently and effectively manage our client’s properties. Forsite allows us to know who is on site, when and for how long. This means we can accurately verify invoices of suppliers for services delivered and not waste time running out to sites to check up on suppliers.
Dog fouling solved
We utilise BioPet PooPrints to register the DNA of their dogs which gives them great benefits should they be lost or stolen. Also, it enables us to find who is not clearing up after their dog and encourage responsible behaviour, keeping the strata and environment clean and wholesome.
Floorplans and virtual tours
We use our 3-in-1 camera to produce a virtual tour of our client’s property which also gives a measured floor plan with the dimensions of the rooms shown on the plan. This is a huge benefit to potential purchasers and lets them know the net internal area rather than just the gross external area. The virtual tour lets purchasers review a property before or after their actual viewing and for overseas customers gives them great chance to get inside and under the skin of the property.
Link to listing
We are utilising QR codes on our marketing material that will take purchasers straight to the listing page of our website. This means they don’t have to search around and don’t have to remember URL’s and website addresses!
What next?
We have access to any technology you can think of as well as that you couldn’t even imagine. I am involved with real estate in USA and UK and from this attend a lot of conferences and expositions that give me access to and keep me up to date with trends, solutions and systems. We will keep innovating and moving forward in our service and delivery. We will use technology not for the sake of it, but where it adds value, makes our clients and customers experience better and smooths the processes.